Thursday, November 4, 2010

Batman Arkham Asylum first thoughts

I recently got my hands on a copy of the first Batman game which has ever been recommended to me (by many people). I will start by admitting that I am not a big Batman fan but am able to appreciate it for all it is worth. I am quickly able to see why this game has won so many awards.

I am currently about four hours into the game and I am able to make a few key distinctions about the game.

My first thought about the game was that it would be reared towards children due to being a Batman game but in all reality it isn't or at least not totally. You won't notice any blood splattering off your enemies but the game certainly has a mature feel to it throughout. I notice this more and more throughout playing the game (especially in my most recent trip to the morgue).

The graphics are very good, the developer did a great job with them but my only complaint is that the developer created an investigation mode which makes it so that most players will never be able to enjoy the games graphics other than in cut scenes. This discovery mode allows the player to see enemies through walls and find hidden items. You essentially get x-ray vision (skeleton enemies and all) which at first is really fun seems to cheapen the experience over time.

This comes back to the for kids mentality I came into the game with originally. The game does not appear to be able to distinguish its audience. It appears to try and make everyone happy without really making any one groups of user ecstatic.  The games difficulty does not appear to be on par with the subject matter. It is also amusing how enemies can spot you on a gargoyle then you are able to jump back and forth between one or two of them only to end up in the same spot and have the enemy still be confused as to where you have gone. This is only a first impression but I am not sure that is something that will change.

I will try and make at least one more post about this game as I play it and give a review of my experience. So far other than the difficulty I have enjoyed the game, the story has been engaging which is surprisingly where I came in assuming the game would be weak.

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