Red Dead Redemption stole the show at PAX East this year. After waiting in line for 10 to 20 minutes I found myself being able to walk behind a black curtain and seeing what essentially would be GTA in the Wild West and I mean that in a very good way. After a quick tutorial I was given the controller and able to play one mission. Cameras were not allowed in the private area for some reason, I do not know why the game seemed very polished for still being a few months from release. The only glitch I found was riding my horse off a cliff which the presenter said the horse will stop you from going off large cliffs but my horse just ran down the steep cliff in a very unrealistic fashion.
I was able to play the game for about 15 minutes along with the group of friends I was attending with (we switched off every 5 minutes). We were dropped into a random location at night which looked absolutely beautiful with the star lit sky. I have a lot of random things i noticed about the game but not enough to really give a good preview due to the short play time so I will instead list everything I noticed in a list format.
The game has a dynamic time cycle and a variety of weather conditions can be experienced (rain, and intense windy were the ones mentioned to me).
The game has a Saints Row type weapon select wheel which I feel is a nice added addition as opposed to GTA’s normal cycle of weapon selection.
You can call your horse at any time much like you were able to whistle for a taxi in GTA4.
Tapping A will hit the horse to have it go faster, if you deplete a blue bar near your map the horse will hit you off due to your abuse.
A very nice addition was after you kill people or animals your actually able to explore the bodies (Humans you can find clothes, money, etc and animals you can skin them for their skin) the person showing us the game was very adamant that in that day nothing was wasted and the team wanted to express that in the combat.
Weapons also have a nice glow around them so you can find them after a shootout which is a nice addition.
Light bulbs also blow up in flames when shot (we were told this happens because back then light bulbs were gas filled) which turned out to be very useful in firefights.
If you kill people you become “wanted” and a bounty is put on your head shown in the top right hand corner of the screen. You can go into the sheriffs office and pay it off in order to have an easier time going around the game world.
The wanted level system is very similar to GTA, when you kill someone on your map an eye pops up to show you who witnessed your crime. We asked about if we killed the witness quick enough if we would not get a wanted level but the presenter was not sure. After you are seen a few moments pass and you get circles around your area much like GTA and you need to escape in order to lose the wanted level.
Cover system is just like GTA, only difference is when your out of range for a weapon your reticule will disappear to show that you can not hit the enemy from this distance.
I am unable to judge the story due to only seeing one mission but time will tell how good that is
You can shoot flying birds which may be an achievement
Your able to buy clothes, possibly buildings as well. Your clothes determine how people react to you as well. Wear opposing gang colors and you will be attacked. Wear the same gang colors and you may even be helped in combat
Feel free to leave comments asking any general questions about the game and if i know the answer ill post it up right away!
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